Tax on Airbnb, Stayz accommodation could boost NSW housing supply
The NSW government says a tax on short-stay accommodation including Airbnb and Stayz could encourage owners to shift their homes to long-term rentals, easing the housing shortage and raising revenue for homelessness services.
The revenue measure is touted in a new government discussion paper on the short-term rental market, which Premier Chris Minns has vowed to review amid the worsening housing crisis.
Byron Bay has the highest number of short-term rentals as well as the highest number of homeless people.Credit: Danielle Smith
The government says it will “consider the right balance between improving housing affordability and supporting tourism”, especially in holiday hotspots such as Byron Bay, the South Coast and the Snowy Mountains, which have a high number of short-term rentals.
However, it is also considering policy options, including revenue measures, to encourage investors to make homes available for long-term rental accommodation. A levy is one option being considered.
While the discussion paper does not specify the scale of a levy, the Victorian government last year announced a 7.5 per cent tax on short-stay rentals, the first in Australia, as part of a push to build 800,000 new homes over the next decade. Victoria’s levy is expected to raise $70 million each year.
The discussion paper cites other jurisdictions around the world that impose charges on short-term rentals, including Germany, France, the US and Canada. Booking platforms, such as Airbnb, collect the levies on behalf of the government.
As of January, there were about 52,300 homes registered for short-term rental accommodation across NSW, while at the same time the cost of private rentals across the state has soared and vacancy rates remain near historic low levels, the paper says.
Since the end of 2019, advertised prices for long-term rentals in NSW have increased more than 38 per cent and last year alone rose 14 per cent.
Meanwhile, the vacancy rate in Greater Sydney was 1.7 per cent in December, below a 10-year average of 2.3 per cent, according to the discussion paper.
The discussion paper says, “worsening housing affordability has coincided with an increase in the number of people in NSW sleeping rough and the number of priority applicants for social housing”.
“Homelessness, in addition to financial stress, is becoming an increasingly serious challenge in NSW,” the paper says.
“The number of priority applicants for social housing on the NSW Housing Register has grown nearly 70 per cent from 4484 applicants in June 2019 to 7573 in June 2023. There are now over 55,000 applicants on the NSW Housing Register.”
The paper warns that sleeping rough was a growing problem in NSW.
“The NSW Statewide Street Count has found the number of people sleeping rough in the state has increased 34 per cent from 2022 to 2023. The problem is even more pronounced in some coastal regional areas with a high proportion of short-term rental accommodation properties.”
Byron Shire has the highest number of people sleeping rough in the state, and overtook the City of Sydney as the local government area with the most rough sleepers in 2023.
The discussion paper says that “by raising government revenue, revenue measures can also be used to fund programs to support homeless people”.
“Support for homelessness is a key priority of the NSW Government,” the paper says.
Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness Rose Jackson said all options for short-term rental reform were on the table.
“We’re determined to do everything we can to tackle the housing crisis and put every part of the housing market under the microscope for options to encourage a greater supply of long-term rental accommodation,” Jackson said.
“This review will inform our approach to make better use of all forms of housing, including short-term rentals, vacant property and holiday homes.”