This was published 9 months ago
Two women attended a Matildas game alone. Both left with a new friend
The Women’s World Cup is packing pubs and smashing ratings records as hype for the Matildas reaches a fever pitch. Behind the scenes, passionate fans are attending matches solo, finding connection and friendship along the way.
Georgia Rajic, 27, and Clare Lawrence, 26, both attended last month’s Australia v Canada match alone, and found themselves sitting next to one another. They soon struck up a conversation and, by the end of the game, had exchanged details and made plans to meet up at the Matildas’ next game against Denmark.
Clare Lawrence (left) and Georgia Rajic (right) met up before the Matildas game in Sydney on Monday.Credit: Edwina Pickles
“We literally spent the entire game chatting,” says Rajic, who lives in Melbourne and works as an automation manager and football commentator.
Lawrence, a Sydney resident who works in social policy, is also a huge women’s soccer fan. She’s been following the Matildas to their matches in Melbourne and Brisbane, and was impressed by Rajic’s in-depth knowledge of the game.
While attending any event alone can be intimidating, Rajic says the “vibes are always good” at women’s sporting games. Generally, she says, the environment at women’s games is more inclusive and people are more open to talking to one another than at men’s games, making it more appealing to attend solo.
Lawrence says it also helps that sport matches come with a built-in conversation starter. “Everybody who’s there already has something in common. So, you’ve already got something to talk about,” she says.
Going to events, gigs and restaurants alone can seem scary, but for many people it has helped spark unexpected friendships.
An intergenerational friendship
For Chrissy Symeonakis, solo outings led to her meeting people in her local area she may never have otherwise spoken to. By her own account, Symeonakis isn’t a typical resident of Sydney’s Elizabeth Bay. “I’m very tattooed and brightly coloured,” she says. “I like dopamine dressing.”
The owner of her own marketing agency, Symeonakis doesn’t have a traditional office space and often works in cafés or libraries. When she initially started going to her local cafe to work, she got lots of “weird looks” because she stood out. But she persisted, continuing to break the ice with a daily “hello” to other regulars.
Eventually, a woman at the café approached her, asking if she was a creative. She turned out to be Sandra Lee Patterson, a former actor who now works as an acting coach. The pair struck up a conversation and the next day Patterson introduced Symeonakis to some other regulars.
Symeonakis, who is in her 40s, quickly found herself part of a group of around 10 locals, all in their 70s and 80s. They began meeting regularly at the café and sometimes do a crossword together.
“It was great making older friends because they had all lived these awesome lives.”
These new friends told her about the eastern suburbs’ history, and shared wisdom about everything from business to life. And for her part, she’s become their go-to for all their technological questions.
“I think it keeps them young too,” she says. “They get to relive their glory days.”
Tips on making friends when flying solo
- Pick events and activities you are passionate about – you’ll be more likely to meet people with common interests.
- Don’t shy away from small talk. Even light comments can eventually lead to deeper connection.
- Don’t be discouraged if you don’t make a friend the first time. Every interaction helps to build confidence.
A nude encounter
Like Rajic and Lawrence, the key to instant friendship for Nina Drakalovic was found in a shared passion.
Five years ago, Drakalovic, now 35, found herself single on Valentine’s Day. She wanted to do something fun that didn’t involve being surrounded by loved-up couples, so decided to attend a nude, after-hours tour of The Museum of Contemporary Art.
It was here, in the buff and discussing art, that Drakalovic met Florentina, who would become a close friend. The pair had a lot in common – including a love of art – and started hanging out regularly.
While stripping down was daunting, Drakalovic believes it helped attendees form a quicker, more genuine connection. The event attracted “people with a particular mindset, who were open-minded and accepting,” she says.
She adds that conversations were deeper because you couldn’t look down. “You really focused on people’s faces and eyes, listening to what they were saying.”
Drakalovic, who is a seasoned solo adventurer, says not to overlook the power of small talk when forging new connections.
“These small interactions can start bigger things,” she says. “And even if you don’t make a friend that time, a couple of little chats with a stranger will make you braver for next time.”
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